11th October 2013
The Evening Standard examines the latest addition to the Canary Wharf skyline, the 45-storey Baltimore Tower, which overlooks the Millharbour Dock Basin.
11th October 2013
The Residential Landlord reports that the second phase of the government’s Help to Buy scheme could lead to a 5% fall in average monthly rents in the capital, as the scheme is expected to be successful enough to encourage tenants to take a chance at getting on the property ladder.
11th October 2013
The technology company Skrill has taken 16,000 sq ft of office space at Citi’s 25 Canada Square in Canary Wharf.
11th October 2013
Lauren Thompson in the Times reports that new homes across the country are being designed to appeal to the "Bridget Jones" generation of single parents looking for crèches, playgrounds and good schools.
11th October 2013
The government scheme to improve the energy efficiency of millions of homes is so complex it is likely to be discouraging the public from signing up, the head of the company funding the project has admitted.
The Independent
15th October 2013
According to figures from the Bureau of Investigative Journalism almost half of London's largest developments are not meeting the affordable housing targets being set by local authorities. As a result, the National Housing Federation said councils need to be tougher with developers.
BBC News