A planning application has been submitted for 1,600 homes plus a new high..." />

Aberfeldy submits plans for 1,600-home Tower Hamlets scheme

A planning application has been submitted for 1,600 homes plus a new high street, up to 25,500 sq ft of retail space and up to 29,100 sq ft of new offices in Poplar. The Aberfeldy New Village LLP, a joint venture partnership between EcoWorld London and Poplar HARCA, is working with architect Levitt Bernstein and a design team comprising of Morris+Company, LDA Design and ZCD Architects. The new masterplan is an extension of the previously approved Aberfeldy Village Masterplan, which received outline planning consent in 2012. Phases 1, 2 and 3a have been completed on site and are now occupied.  Phase 3b is currently on site and is due for completion within the next year, by which time the project will have delivered 901 homes of all tenures alongside a residents’ gym and lounge, a 75,350 sq ft public park, a new community centre and public art created in collaboration with the community. Poplar HARCA chief executive Steve Stride said the first residents should be welcomed into the latest development in 2024. 

Property Week (16/11/2021)  

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